Friday, January 10, 2014

Something out of Nothing

Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you fulfill the law of Christ. If anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing then he deceived himself. Galatians 6:2,3

I read these two scriptures one after the other and to me, they seem like two different thoughts, although I see how they connect. They bring all kinds of possibilities to my mind of what they can mean or teach me.

We are fulfilling the law of Christ by carrying each other's burdens. What does it mean to carry someone's burden? Is it simply just to pray for them? Does it mean that we should do more if it is "within our means"? Does it mean that we should do more, even IF it's a sacrifice? Is it up to the individual to decide or is it up to God to lead us and then is it up to us to follow through? Keith Green once said, "to obey is better than sacrifice." He was talking about sacrificing or passing up the blessing by not following through in obedience to God, when he speaks to your heart. My thought is that we do not consider carrying the burdens of others as though we see ourselves as doormats. We need to see carrying the burdens of others as an act of obedience however far that takes us in His will. Praying is a lovely gesture, an act of commitment by your word, and an opportunity to stand in the gap, but it is not a great sacrifice. However, to step in and walk beside your brother or sister, in the spirit through prayer AND in the natural, even in practical ways, is a sacrifice that will bring joy. The sacrifice could be physical, monetary, emotional, but in the end it will not seem like a sacrifice at all. The reward is great, when there is faithfulness in serving Christ and therefore the sacrifice is merely temporary, because eventually the Lord honours our faithfulness with His reward.

The scripture that follows conjures a second set of thoughts for me. "If anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, then he deceives himself." (Galatians 2:3) I wonder if this refers to those who go about their own business and let the burdens of others in their pathway, fall to the wayside? Perhaps it is referring to those who say, "I'll pray for you" and then walk away. It may be referring to those who are too proud to get in the trenches with their brother or sister. Perhaps it is even a sacrifice to give praise to God and express genuine joy because of what God is doing in someone else's life when jealousy rears it's ugly head. Perhaps they are even too proud to let someone ride on their coat tail for a while. It is good to journey with our brother and sister, in their vision, connect on a level that brings passion, not a spirit of competition, and become brothers and sisters in Christ who sorrow with each other when there is pain and rejoice when there is victory. When we have pride, we think we're "just something else". Yep, we got what it takes! Of course it feels great to do a great thing but that act does not make us "something special". Yet, in all truth, our deluded greatness is just hay and rotten rubble, a royal stench and a great big fat nothing, in God's eyes. You cannot get something out of nothing, unless it is a sacrifice for you. We are already "something special" in God's eyes because he loves us. Our act of sacrifice simply makes us obedient. Only a sacrifice brings heavenly rewards and blessings in return.

Let us remember that even to say a kind word, although unaware of someone else's circumstances, they may be the words that lift another's burdens. Let's remember to speak truth with a genuine heart. Even though it's hurtful to them, it is love because anything else would be a lie. It is a great sacrifice to set aside your own feelings in the time of someone else's distress. Let us also remember that each one of us is called to minister with greatness, even in the smallest way. There is no one that measures greater, nor is there a better standard to gauge or a greater calling for one or the other. We are all one, each fulfilling our purpose in Christ. Consider what your possibilities of greatness can be. What reward might you may miss out on when you do not obey? Then consider the blessings God is willing to bestow, when you find yourself faced with a personal sacrifice. The real personal sacrifice is when we miss out on the blessing because we did not heed the Lord's leading.

Personal sacrifice = reward
Sacrifice your obedience = missed blessing