★ Life Tips

★ LIFE TIP - Do not pray to the universe, that the stars would align for you. Pray to the God who made the universe and the stars. He has way more power since he controls them anyway.

★ LIFE TIP - Because we have received his love, we can never truly know the depth of his love or how wide or how great his love for us is in this lifetime. Amen!

★ LIFE TIP - Besides prayer, a smile and a hug will always be enough when you don't have anything else to offer.

★ LIFE TIP - If you are cautious or concerned about sharing God and his love with your friends in person or on facebook, ask yourself; why? If it's based out of fear of what people think, or ashamed of him, then when you meet Jesus face to face one day, he might just say, "I"m sorry I don't know you." because you didn't share his love and his Word with those who did not know him. Mark 8:38 says, "If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his Father's glory with the holy angels."

★ LIFE TIP - Some days I find myself literally feeling beside myself and very helpless. Knowing your call and doing it, yet digging in the trenches only as far as you can go... eventually God has to provide a hand that reaches out to help you the rest of the way. I'm waiting.....

★ DID YOU KNOW ...The Bible has become a significant source book for secular archaeology? It has helped in identifying ancient figures like Sargon (Isaiah 20:1); Sennacherib (Isaiah 37:37); Horam of Gazer (Joshua 10:33); Hazar (Joshua 15:27); and the nation of the Hittites (Genesis 15:20). The biblical record, unlike other "scriptures," is historically set, opening itself up for testing and verification.- Dr. Henry M. Morris III #HaveYouReadIt

★ LIFE TIP - "Karma" has nothing on the Word of God, that is sharper than any two edged sword. The Word of God can change your circumstances, while "Karma" keeps you in your circumstances.

★ LIFE TIP - "When God is calling you to set out on a mission, get one foot out of the door and see where God is leading you. He will set the steps in motion in his time.... we're just the vessels that he can work through for his glory" -

★ LIFE TIP - God is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, giving, gentleness, self control, faithfulness. Many forget that all that he is, can be "cultivated" within us. Many also forget that God is also HOLY. His holiness will not withstand the sin in our lives. It is through the grace of Jesus Christ, because of his blood shed on the cross and his victory over the grave that he can look on us. We are not Holy but Jesus' grace makes us righteous and holy in his eyes. We get a clean bill of spiritual health because of Jesus. May we never forget to reflect his holiness and his ways, the fruit of the spirit, in our lives every day, in all we do and say.

★ LIFE TIP - If we fail to follow through on a certain act of faith or a demonstration of God's love and kindness, that could lead to an opportunity to share the Gospel, then we are not fulfilling our call.

★ LIFE TIP - Always listen with open ears and eyes wide open. Whether they are young, old or indifferent, your heart will grasp truths and compassion if you let the Holy Spirit reveal to you what is necessary to respond to them.

★ LIFE TIP - The truth will always set you free. The hurt makes you fearful and the fear of the truth will only hold you back.

★ LIFE TIP - If you're hurting then you just can't coast and wait for the healing. You have to go listen to someone who has been there. If you are actively looking for the answer you will find it. Jesus said "Seek and you will find" Matthew 7:7 -- Even if you disagree with them, they have something that you need to take you to the next level of healing. You may think that you need the time to heal, but if you are avoiding the very thing that hurt you then you're still hurting, hiding, running, or wrestling with the hurt. Every new level requires new thinking. You will need to take steps away from fear and toward faith, to find freedom in the next level that you haven't experienced yet.

★LIFE TIP - The HARD truth! ---- Speak Truth! The truth will set you free. If anyone hears the truth and receives it, then they will be set free. However, if the truth is not received, then it's possible that this person is still angry, hurt, fearful and even carrying hatred. Proverbs 9:8 says, “Do not correct a mocker or he will hate you. If you correct a wise man then he will love you.” The wise person will be grateful for the correction, whereas a fool will simply demonstrate anger, bitterness and even hatred toward the person who is sharing the truth. The catch here is that the person carrying these negative emotions feel that they are justified and that they are right. Their emotions are likely justified and right about the way that they have been "wronged". After a period of time, they will "pin" the same attributes on other people as a judgement. What really matters is their response to the truth so that they can move on. When a person carries these emotions concerning a specific person or incident, those emotions will skew that person's ability to receive the truth. True forgiveness without malice is the only thing that removes the veil so that a person can finally understand the truth and begin to trust again where they once felt betrayed.

★ LIFE TIP - This is always a very tough and touchy subject. Over the years and the many places I've ministered, I do spend time listening to many people. At times, I've even called people on the phone who are hurting. It is often because of rejected love, genuine concern or other hurt feelings and division in the church. Well, we are family and we are human. There is bound to be some discord. That is very unfortunate. Many times, correction or rebuke is also seen as in insult to our intelligence. Although this is demonstrating pride, we would be much better off to simply respond to correction positively with open ears and eyes. We must listen and be willing to grow and learn, even if the correction doesn't seem to fair or right. The reason for this is because we must realize that the person who is trying to provide insight and correction is taking a personal risk when they try and correct you. They stick their neck out for you. There are not many people that you will find in your life who even care enough to care if you personally grow. It is best to say thanks for the insight and appreciate their words. Instead of jumping into a slew of emotions, take the words that they have shared and honestly compare them with your emotions and the situation. Receiving correction is one of the most valuable and hardest attributes to acquire, but the key is to receive it is through great humbleness.

 LIFE TIP - Expressing the love of God is the utmost importance. How you say your words and hold your posture, reflects what is inside your heart. Be careful not to reflect your own pain that has nothing to do with them personally. Although it's a challenge, try to see them, as though you are seeing them through Jesus' eyes. Words like "mind your own business" or "I'll do it my way" or "It's too bad that you feel that way because" reflect back to the other person that you really don't care about their love or concern for you and that you don't really care about their relationship with you. Be on top of your words, deeds and actions so that they reflect the love of God first and foremost.

★ LIFE TIP - Besides prayer, a smile and a hug will always be enough when you don't have anything else to offer.

★ LIFE TIP - We must live life being careful not to become smug like the Pharisee who listed all his virtues. He then thanked God that he was not like "other" men. Perhaps he was stuck in a rut that makes his heart so set in stone, that grace could not operate through his life. His pride made him quite sure of himself and less dependable on the all powerful God.

★ LIFE TIP - Believing in the idea of God, is not the same as knowing God himself. Believe in God with passion. Do not let your mind question, or let your heart doubt or despair in the one who holds the universe. Let him know your thoughts and heart and he will reveal himself to you.

★ LIFE TIP -- If you're hurting, it's easy to take offense rather than listen to the truth. This is the truth. Go to the source of healing so that you go to the next level of love. God will reveal truth. If you seek him instead of trying to serve him in your pain, he will lead you out of your pain.

★ LIFE TIP - Hey Friends, Do you ever think back to a time in your life and think about something that you did that was totally out of character with who you are today? You shake your head, roll your eyes in head and think to yourself "What was that about?" Thank goodness that God doesn't give up on us. He probably frowns and then chuckles... "oh my child, you have some learning to do.... let's continue on, I'll be there when you do the next silly thing too... we'll have a great journey together. I just love our time on this road. Nothing quite takes the place of your company." ... Well, I sure hope that's what he's saying. Thank God that he has created to laugh, even at ourselves!

★ LIFE TIP - You can find an answer to every question in life at every stage in life and it's found in the Bible. There is every subject that you ever wanted to know about from cheating, lying, kindness, miracles, floods, abuse, sleeping with the enemy and sleeping with your girlfriend, marriage, true love, lust, floods and catastrophes, joy and pain and more .... you just have to WANT to look and you can find it in the Bible. God's Living Manuel... B.I.B.L.E...Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth

★ LIFE TIP - If you are cautious or concerned about sharing God and his love with your friends in person or on facebook, ask yourself; why? If it's based out of fear of what people think, or ashamed of him, then when you meet Jesus face to face one day, he might just say, "I"m sorry I don't know you." because you didn't share his love and his Word with those who did not know him. Mark 8:38 says, "If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his Father's glory with the holy angels."

★ LIFE TIP - Never assume that "times have changed" to the point that the truth changes with the times. Jesus said "I Am the Way, The TRUTH, and the life. (John 14:6) The real TRUTH never changes (Hebrews 13:8) and his WAYS can always be applied to bring us LIFE today.

★ LIFE TIP - God SAYS "I know how much that you want to be independent. I know how much that you want to do things your way... but this is the hard way. Come to me, I have a better way because I already see the beginning to the end before you do."

 LIFE TIP - Always listen with open ears and eyes wide open. Whether they are young, old or indifferent, your heart will grasp truths and compassion if you let the Holy Spirit reveal to you what is necessary to respond to them.

★ LIFE TIP - You cannot believe in God without faith. It is that faith that opens your heart and allows you to experience him. It feels unfamiliar because it's outside of the natural world, but evidence of his existence can be seen everywhere in the natural. You are made with a body and a mind (soul) and a spirit. Often the spirit of a person is neglected because it's not visible to us in the natural. Your spirit within you exists, but you can't see it. To know it's there and yet to not see it, is like faith. The spirit inside is dead when a person only focuses on taking care of the natural, the physical and the mind. The only natural thing to do when taking care of your spirit is to fill it with the source that gave you life. That source is your Creator God. To receive him in faith, is as though a proverbial door to the supernatural is opened and your spirit awakens. God in the flesh, Jesus Christ makes the way for that "bridge" to be mended that allows communication and a relationship with God. Jesus sacrifice on the cross and his resurrection defeats death and brings us eternal life, because the "bridge" between you and God the Father is mended.

★ LIFE TIP - *New Year Special Edition* -- I recently received an email from an older gentleman who is a Messianic Jew. He had visited my blog and sent me a message asking if I was a Messianic Jew. I was touched when he wrote "because my articles were excellent and only Messianic Jews could have such vast knowledge". I explained that the mysteries of God's grace were available to all who were grafted into the vine. However, his email reminded me that this was a new year and that the Holy Spirit would continue to reveal new mysteries in his Grace as we continue to walk in his ways. Let this be a year of new mysteries discovered in his grace, through intimate times spent in his presence as he speaks to your heart. May you draw nearer to him that he is able to reveal more about the mysteries of his love and grace to you. Oh how deep is the love of God and how marvelous are his ways! 

★ LIFE TIP - Christmas Blessings to everyone . The days are quickly approaching as we celebrate the birth of our Saviour when God put on flesh and walked among his creation. He came to love us and show us the way to salvation and victory after the human race totally blew it with disobedience in the Garden of Eden. I know that there are many things about this season that are mixed into the message that are not a part of celebrating his birth, but it is a good time to consider the condition of one's heart. Forget the past, forget what people say, forget what you think you already know and take opportunity to forge ahead. Grow deeper in discovering your relationship with God. He is everywhere, all knowing and all powerful. You can't miss him unless you turn a blind eye. ----

★ LIFE TIP - The word "love" is a verb. Although there are different levels of love, the word "love" is used to express desires, wants, needs, affection and commitment. To use it in a sentence means that there must be an action or reaction. God's love is the ultimate love. I'm a witness to the fact that his love has paved the way for such a grace in my life that the important desires, wants, needs, affection and commitment have been taken care of by him and through his desire to love me back. You have already received them if you are willing to accept them because God's love is a free gift. His love also comes with promises that he will never break when we receive those promises too. So the next time that you see someone else's expressing their desires, wants, needs, affection and commitment, remember that you can share them because you have already received. Freely Freely you have received. Freely Freely give.

★ LIFE TIP - What you read and what you interpret can be two different things. What you hear, and what a person meant to say can also not be the same thing. When you hear or read words that do not please your heart, do not take offense, but be sure to clarify and discern the person's tone and mood. Good intentions can be so misunderstood. Stay calm, (my lesson learned) and get the details and background info. Sometimes when you're the one trying to be kind, it can be misinterpreted by others that you perceive them as "needy". Hear the still small voice within before you jump left or right to avoid the bullets or attempt to jump the gun at all.

★ LIFE TIP - Great Story!
Does a Quarter tell you if you love God or not?

Several years ago, a preacher from out-of-state accepted a call to a church in Houston, Texas . Some weeks after he arrived, he had an occasion to ride the bus from his home to the downtown area. When he sat down, he discovered that the driver had accidentally given him a quarter too much change. As he considered what to do, he thought to himself, 'You'd better give the quarter back. It would be wrong to keep it.' Then he thought, 'Oh, forget it, it's only a quarter. Who would worry about this little amount? Anyway, the bus company gets too much fare; they will never miss it. Accept it as a 'gift from God' and keep quiet.'

When his stop came, he paused momentarily at the door, and then he handed the quarter to the driver and said, 'Here, you gave me too much change ...'

The driver, with a smile, replied, 'Aren't you the new preacher in town?
'Yes' he replied.

'Well, I have been thinking a lot lately about going somewhere to worship. I just wanted to see what you would do if I gave you too much change. I'll see you at church on Sunday.'

When the preacher stepped off of the bus, he literally grabbed the nearest light pole, held on, and said, 'Oh God, I almost sold your Son for a quarter.'

Our lives are the only Bible some people will ever read. This is a really scary example of how much people watch us as Christians, and will put us to the test! Always be on guard -- and remember -- You carry the name of Christ on your shoulders when you call yourself 'Christian.'

Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits..
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny