I've read the reviews on this movie, as I watched it's release in the United States. While the movie has been released with rave reviews by Christians and met with mockery and skepticism by unbelievers , it finally came to Canada. We sat and waited in the theater. The closer the time came for this movie to begin, we watched this theater fill up. Every seat, except for the front row was full. It's never full. Who wants to stretch their neck to look at the screen?
The movie began and right from the beginning, I had butterflies while watching this movie. It's the first time that I've ever experienced this feeling, while watching a movie. It's a real fight for souls, with a real debate, filled with facts and truth. Through out the movie, it never felt like a dull moment. Although from the atheists point of view, it's ridiculously founded on Christian "facts", but to the atheist who is open to understanding both sides of the coin, he can eventually see that only one side truly exists. It's clearly defined, this is a choice.
The acting is authentic and there are some fun, light-hearted moments. There are also times when it's easy to see a point taken, but denying the truth on the inside is still a fight for some characters. The story unfolds with different scenarios of unbelievers and believers who are caught in the trenches of life, yet in every character there is friction that reveals the truth.
The ending is a surprise, although we all hoped that particular circumstances would iron themselves out and God would make everything right. Without spoiling the ending for you, let's just say that although it didn't work out the way we thought, for every character in this movie, God does make everything right. Why? Because .... "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. Isaiah 55:8 If you haven't seen this movie, it's worth the ride. Riveting, challenging, thought provoking, truth-revealing!
Well I actually saw the Hollywood movie “Noah” with Russell
Crowe. It’s a movie full of visual
sensations. This movie depicts visually almost as though it is 3D, without actually
being 3D. It's one of the most visually captivating movies I have ever seen.
Knowing the Biblical story of Noah, however, I waited for this movie to
end. About an hour after watching the
movie, it was clear that I was watching “just” a movie, about a man that
happened to be named Noah with some similar scriptural accounts. There was nothing about the story-line that even fit
the character of the Biblical man named Noah. As a matter of fact, nothing fit the Biblical
story of his family either, including the wives which his sons took. That part didn’t even play out as being true
to the original story. Noah came across as a legalistic madman, who seemed
obsessed with a God who was not merciful. God did not seem to have a desire to make a way for man to find redeeming grace. According to Noah, God's plan was eventually to make man extinct, while the animals continued to thrive, after the flood. Neither did Cain find his way onto the ark
and fight Noah, for reign over the ark and Noah’s women. None of this is ever found in scripture. However, Noah does come around at the end and he spares his grand children from death, (in the non-Biblical story) so that one day, the world may be fruitful and multiply.
The controversy over this movie only drew more attention to it. The commercials for the movie only lead us to believe that it was the
same story found in the Bible. What else would you expect of someone who happened
to be named Noah, and happens to build an ark for a flood, that is sent by
God? Well that’s where the similarity
ends. Noah always refers to the “creator”, and that may have been the one thing
that kept the focus for the Christian viewer.
What is important to realize is that the producer Aronofsky, is Gnostic
and the movie is from a Gnostic point of view. How does one put a Gnostic twist on
a story that has already been written with factual accounts and ancient writing that provides the details? The story then purely becomes imagination – just another
story, another movie.
The producer Aronofsky, presented Noah, as a story of
good and bad, higher and lower spirituality, one with flesh and one that is
spiritual (his god) and who is seemingly out of reach. Several
times, there is a recount of the creation story involving Adam and Eve’s fall
from grace. It reminds us that they are responsible for all of this, because they ate the fruit of the forbidden tree. This is why Cain is so
tightly woven into this story-line of Aronofsky's movie.
However, one might come to realize that after watching the
movie, perhaps it was Aronofsky, the producer, who actually ate the forbidden fruit himself, before he
made this movie. Don’t presume that this
has any redeeming Biblical reflection in it, except that the Noah and his family exist, there is a flood, and there is good and evil. Aronofsky has essentially stolen the
characters along with this event in time and created his own version. He may not like my assessment of his movie, but who am I in his eyes-- a nobody that wouldn't buy the DVD when it comes out anyway. I hardly think that God is pleased when his story is "borrowed" and the real story isn't told.
If you’re looking for the Biblical story of Noah then this
is not it. It was written as entertainment with fantastical Hollywood
★ The Bible is catching Hollywood's attention. Check back here next week for the details on the movie, "God's Not Dead" coming to Canada, Hollywood's "Noah", as well as "The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven". There are so many faith-based movies being released this year. Scroll down for movie reviews on "Son of God" and "Heaven Is For Real". With all the hype about the release of the Hollywood movie "Noah" here is the Biblical documentary behind the story of Noah. "Noah and the Last Days". Pass it around to share. Produced by "Living Waters Ministries"
Inspiration for the week. Good for the men and the ladies too --
Be Blessed!
The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down. Proverbs 21:1
It's hard to pretend that hard and troublesome times haven't existed in family. Our negative thoughts turn into negative words when we spend time focusing on them and then the lady of the house gets known as a "nag". It's definitely not a good reputation to have! Eventually, we certainly don't feel like doing what is important or take joy in our family. Do we tear down our loved-ones with our own words and by our own hands? Philippians 4:8 reminds us where to to focus our thoughts.
"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things."
So whatever you do, be sure that you think of the brighter side, through God's eyes and lift your family with praiseworthy and admirable words, words that our right, pure, and lovely. In this way, you are sure to build a house of love, a house filled with God's love.
My husband Scott and I had the privilege of attending the pre-screening of "Heaven Is For Real". This is a true story of miracles and affirming faith in God through the experiences of the Burpo Family. This is a modern day miracle and a message that proves God is still revealing himself to us!
From the very start of this movie, it starts with light-hearted laughter and shows us how any given day unfolds for the Burpo family. I've never read the book, but I have a sense that the movie and book are comparable to one another. I've read reviews that question the validity of the young Colton's experiences written in the book, compared to scripture. Who are we to say what one person has or shouldn't experience? Who are we to say that we know God's ways, and that we know about everything about the heavenly realm?
Honestly, this film lays out enough proof. As the story unfolds, Colton reveals more about his heavenly experience. I am convinced even more as I watch the movie, that his experience in heaven was real. I can't find anything that contradicts scripture in the movie and it leaves one with the feeling of re-affirming faith.
Mr. Burpo, the father, husband and a pastor, even goes through a time where he questions his faith after he struggles with this new found understanding, because of what Colton has told him.
It takes the viewer full circle, experiencing faith, and heavenly mysteries. You hear of things that you wish your eyes could behold in the natural. Then you watch doubt unfold, discovery, renewal and then finally, to re-affirming your faith in God again, as you watch the story unfold.
I would recommend seeing this movie when it is released Easter weekend. It would be a good one to see, keeping in mind, the eventful celebration of Christ's resurrection.
In anticipation of already knowing the Biblical story and having seen several movies about the life of Christ, I have to say that this movie was creatively and uniquely depicted from the apostle John's point of view. I've read other reviews on this movie and although it was described as a "chunky" and very spliced movie, I feel that the producers, Mark Burnett and Roman Downey highlighted some of my favorite parts of the story. Another twist in this story that was clearly made known in "entertainment" interviews with the producers, is that this story also includes Mary's point of view, as the mother of Jesus. This is perhaps where the producers and I vary. Mary's story isn't as vividly told in scripture as it is in this movie. I knew that there would be some "creative license" with this movie as soon as I saw the trailer. During the time that Christ carried the cross, he drops faintly and looks up. Jesus looks at his mother who has reached to meet him on the ground, "Do not fear, with God all things are possible". As I watched the trailer, I knew that Jesus never said this to Mary. As a matter of fact Jesus actually says much earlier, before he went to the cross, in Matthew 19:26
"Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."
The Word says he was speaking to his disciples, not Mary, when he made this statement. As a matter of fact, this statement had nothing to do with Mary. Jesus had just finished a conversation with a rich man who wanted to know how a rich man could get into heaven.
Am I splitting hairs over this? Well, I like to see the Word of God presented as we know it, it's in purest form, although while watching the movie, this line was used to emphasize that Jesus drew his physical strength from the power of God, to lift the cross. Immediately after making this statement, Mary watched Christ lift the cross on his back with a new strength, as though he had been revived.
It was a good use of a scripture and as a general statement, it made a clear point about faith. However, as I said before, originally, in scripture, Jesus made this statement in a different place, and for a different conversation.
The only other thing that saddened my heart was the understanding of spirituality by the producers. Charisma magazine and the Christian Post commented that Roma Downey had a degree in "Spiritual Psychology" at the University of Santa Monica. At first glance, the title of such a degree would seem in line with Christian faith however, according the universities coarse description, this falls under the category of "new age" and discovering "one's higher consciousness." Roma Downey has a history of being a devout Catholic. Are we letting a thread of "new age" beliefs, seep into the church? She has even endorsed New Age authors and their books. In addition, she has commented in another article, that she lets her children listen to New Age teaching on CD. I'm not pointing fingers. I'm just simply pointing out that the only "higher consciousness" that we need, is the presence of God, the Holy Spirit, to reveal all things to us in our lives.
I personally have always enjoyed Roma Downey's acting and her sweet personality. In "Touched by an Angel", her character and "Tess" were always an inspiration that turned my faith and heart toward God. They were good stories and even I have experienced God working through the angels at different times in my life. Attention should always be turned to God as the one who orchestrates such miracles in one's life, because we do not worship angels. Neither do the angels desire it. That's the very things that got Lucifer in trouble! My concern about watching this movie, "Son of God", for any one with new found faith or young Believer, would only be that they might use the example of Roma's "new age" exploration, as a good walk in the Christian faith. We are all human and I know that is was their very best at telling the story, which by the way is I'm sure to be dear to Mark and Roma's heart. They have kept it unique and creative, even though it has been told so many times, but her New Age" influence is dangerous for her own faith and for those who watch and admire her.
We should never mix the Bible with other "spiritual practices". I pray that Roma Downey as well as her husband discovers Christ's higher ways for their lives in a personal way. I also pray that God will use this film to further is glory in the earth and through his people. God can use anything for his purpose! This film is certainly enjoyable, faith building and is full of scripture.