Friday, April 18, 2014

God's Not Dead: Movie Review

I've read the reviews on this movie, as I watched it's release in the United States. While the movie has been released with rave reviews by Christians and met with mockery and skepticism by unbelievers , it finally came to Canada.  We sat and waited in the theater. The closer the time came for this movie to begin, we watched this theater fill up. Every seat, except for the front row was full. It's never full. Who wants to stretch their neck to look at the screen?

The movie began and right from the beginning, I had butterflies while watching this movie.  It's the first time that I've ever experienced this feeling, while watching a movie. It's a real fight for souls, with a real debate, filled with facts and truth.   Through out the movie, it never felt like a dull moment.  Although from the atheists point of view, it's ridiculously founded on Christian "facts", but to the atheist who is open to understanding both sides of the coin, he can eventually see that only one side truly exists.   It's clearly defined, this is a choice.

The acting is authentic and there are some fun, light-hearted moments. There are also times when it's easy to see a point taken, but denying the truth on the inside is still a fight for some characters. The story unfolds with different scenarios of unbelievers and believers who are caught in the trenches of life, yet in every character there is friction that reveals the truth.

The ending is a surprise, although we all hoped that particular circumstances would iron themselves out and God would make everything right. Without spoiling the ending for you, let's just say that although it didn't work out the way we thought, for every character in this movie, God does make everything right.  Why?  Because ....  

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. Isaiah 55:8  

If you haven't seen this movie, it's worth the ride. Riveting, challenging, thought provoking, truth-revealing!