Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Can you see clearly?

Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. Proverbs 29:18 (KJV)

It's interesting that this scripture is often quoted by many to encourage people not to let their vision or "dreams" die. However, we often forget that this little saying that we like to quote and the verse itself, are not complete without the last half of it; "but he that keepeth the law, happy is he."

Honouring God, keeping his heart before yours and following the guidance of God's Word has a vital role in how that vision will flourish and stay alive in your spirit. In order to do this you must stay spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically charged by taking time to "refuel". Have you ever had "burn out"? You need to keep your faith strengthened because there will always be obstacles in your way. Those "rest stops" are an important part of strengthening your faith.

When your faith is strengthened, your spirit is refreshed and your mind renewed, the vision remains clear, the light continues to shine and the fire keeps burning. As a result, this helps you to stay focused on the goal and purpose of your calling. His Word stirs the love and vision that God has given you. Your vision, motivated by God's love, then stirs that passion to serve God. This allows you to put your hands to what God has called you to for the moment, whether it's short or long term.

What is your vision? Jeremiah 29:11 says that God has a future and a hope for us, a purpose with plans to prosper us. Let the vision that God has given you, go forward. This is where the purpose lays as well as his plans to prosper you, in every area of your life. Continue to honour God, keeping his Word as the source of life for your vision. You will see every area of your life and your vision flourish, even through the bumps and obstacles, with his guidance for each step of the way.

Be strong and courageous, Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you where ever you go. Joshua 1:9

Coming Soon!